Monday, February 27, 2012

Introduction Paragraph on Bull Run

The students are writing a scored Introductory paragraph about the events at Bull Run. They are only writing an introduction. The paragraph is from the perspective of a Southerner. Day one is due Wed. and Day 2 is due Thur. Here is the rubrics that it is being scored on:

Again-It won't let me upload the image. I will try again at school.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Runaway Slave diary entries due Tuesday

Students have been learning about the Underground Railroad and life before the Civil War. They have 3 diary entries to write as a runaway slave as if they were on the Underground railroad. It will be due for everyone on Tuesday.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Civil War Begins Worksheet

This is due Friday for all Students. Unfortunately, the blog won't let me upload it. I will keep trying.